
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Stretch and grow.

Otto had his first Kindy orientation day on Tuesday, a half day to get used to the environment before the year officially starts next week.  I had been concerned how it would go as Otto had been adamant that he wasn't going to kindy this year, and I have to say, I wasn't excited about it either.  At the beginning of these school holidays I was worried I wouldn't be able to fill up all the time we had together, and now as the new school year starts I am wondering if we will have enough time together through the school term.

We started as we intend to continue, with Otto riding his bike there and I was so proud of his determination to do it "by myself", even over the steep hills.

Once there I casually mentioned that I was going to have a coffee in the local teashop and another mum elected to join me.  This was a big step after last year and I was really happy to put myself out there with other mums.

I am so hopeful that this year is the start of a truly wonderful one for my little family.  There are so many changes and for the first time it feels like we are really busy, Otto will be turning five and I have started to notice a big shift happening for him.  He is looking more toward the outside world, his questions come from a deeper understanding of how life works and he is determining more the man he will become.  This year feels like the start of the boy, his baby, toddler and little boy days are all behind him, and as much as I mourn the loss of them (there have been tears), I must concentrate on the road ahead, because I am sure it has some wonderful treasures for us.  If the past has taught me anything, I must treasure this final year before he starts school and make some wonderful memories for us both.

He was such a beautiful baby.

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