
Monday, June 24, 2013

Stretch and pause.

Since Han was made redundant we have had an interesting journey.  In some ways it has been wonderful to be home as a family unit, but unsurprisingly all this time together in a stressful situation has been hard, the kind of hard that teaches you about yourself, and shows you what still needs more work.  Han is feeling the weight of being unable to bring in the pay packet while I have felt the strain of trying to keep everything going while working more.  Pretty unsurprising really.

We are looking down a new path together, will he leave the engineering industry?  Will we buy our own business?  Will Han go back to study?  All of these new questions require us to stretch and open ourselves to change, a change we had no control over.  I usually embrace change, I have moved countless times in our life together, twice to overseas postings, relishing the idea of loosing myself in a new experience, but these were all with some measure of our control, we knew the basis of what and where we were going.

Adventure I am good with, uncharted uncontrolled waters, not so much.


  1. That does sound super hard. On top of the stress of losing a job, figuring out what life will hold, what path to follow, I can imagine that learning to live all the day together would be tough.
    Glad to hear that you're staying positive through this. I'm rooting for you guys! Hoping you get some clarity soon!
